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Izabella Casselman



Cleveland Institute of Art

Cleveland State

Rhode Island School of Design

Married, 3 children, 3 grandchildren, 1 cat & a groundhog




Izabella Gordon Casselman has always been a mark maker; from the time she drew in the dirt with a stick at the age of 6 to now at the age of ???????  Along the way she became a storyteller using all types of materials which made her more or less a mixed media artist.   She believes that the end product the images she produces, allows her to try to understand the world she inhabits both conscious and unconscious.  Her myriad of thoughts lead her to believe that people are all unique and one can only try to understand the human condition.  The hard part of storytelling is the realizations that there can be many, many endings and sometimes no endings.




Mixed Media



The Stuff of Stardust

Mixed Media

Blue Hair

Cray-Pas Drawing